BHJ the company that you can trust
BHJ the company that you can trust
The agency you can trust!
The agency you can trust!


In order to start practicing medicine in Ireland ALL DOCTORS need to get registered first with the Irish Medical Council (IMC). Please find the link below if you want more information:


Irish Medical Council


You do NOT have to take the IELTs or OET test in order to register with the Irish Medical Council if you are qualified inside the European Union or if you are comming from a country where the majoraty of the population speaks English (this includes countries as could be the USA ,Canada, Australia or New Zealand but not for example South Africa) . However some public hospitals in Ireland are making it mandatory FOR REGISTRAR POSITIONS to take the test in order to be employed at the hospital as a NCHD. The pass result is an overall band score of 7 points in the whole of the test and a minumum of 6,5 points in each section (listening, reading, writting and speaking). For OET  examiination B grade in average . In order to prepare for this test you can visit the following websites that has a lot of information about it:


Official IELTS webpage

Official OET Webpage


Also if you might want to get in touch with native English teachers that can prepare you for this exam please get in touch and we can give you some contact details. For example currently there is the following online academy that can help you with this:


English Teacher IELTS




Regarding schools in Ireland please have as look at the following website:


INFO about schools in Ireland


If you want to use a translating company  for your documents you can use (if you say you are coming through BHJ you will be offered a discount!):


Translating company


Websites for accomodation in Ireland:


How to apply for a PPS number online:


Apply PPS number online


Popular Banks in Ireland:


Bank Of Ireland (BOI)

AIB Bank

Ulster Bank


Visa Requirements to get into Ireland according to your country of Citizenship:


Visa exempt countries to get into Ireland


Cheap Car rental company in Ireland: 




Second hand car market in Ireland:




Pet moves and house removals (furniture, etc):





Please to obtain more information about possible vacancies and oportunities in Ireland you can also visit some of our corporate social networks and the linkedin pages of some of our employees:


Linkedin Bologna Health Jobs

Facebook Bologna Health Jobs

Alex Bouldstridge

Viviana Algar


For job opportunities plaese have a look at:


Registrar doctor jobs Ireland

Consultant doctor Jobs Ireland

Psychiatry Jobs Ireland

Paediatric jobs Ireland

GP jobs in Ireland


Any more information that you may need feel free to contact us!


93 Georges Street Upper, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin, Ireland, A96V1K8



Telephone number: (+353)12544366


Our job offers:

Currently we  are seeking  Consultant doctors the following specialities across Ireland: Respiratory Medicine, General Practice or Family medicine doctors, Infectious Diseases,ENT,Acute Medicine, Gastroentererology, Geriatrics, Radiology, General (internal) Medicine, Endocrinology, Medical Oncology, Microbiology, Haematology , Opthalmic Surgery, Obstetrics&Gynaecology, Palliative Medicine,Rheumatology, Clinical and interventional Cardiology with skills in General Medicine, Paediatrics with neonatal skills, Neonatology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Adult Psychiatry, liaison psychiatry, Acute psychaitry, Community Psychiatry and Emergeny medicine for severals hospitals in Ireland

Positions for Registrar doctors  in Haematology, Paediatrics (neonatal experience), Medicine,Neurology,Orthopaedic Surgery, Medical Oncology, emergency medicine, Psychiatry, Radiology, Obstetrcis&Gynaecology, Infectious Diseases,General Surgery, Plastic surgery, ENT and Urology. ONLY EU CANDIDATES AND CANDIDATES WITH NO VISA ENTRY REQUIREMENT WILL BE CONSIDERED FOR NCHDs POSTS. PLEASE DO NOT APPLY IF YOU DO NOT COMPLY WITH THIS CONDITION.